Laura Chacon
ve  PhD Student
Former Group Members

chacon [at] (+33) 55-684-5620

Education & Career

11/2014 - ... Ph.D. Student
Soft Micro Systems - Centre de Recherche Paul Pascal
Pessac, France fr 
2012 - 2014 Erasmus Mundus Master Nanoscience-Nanotechnology, focus/track in Bio-nanotechnology
Topic: Geometrical control of cell mechanical polarization
Advisor: Dr. Martial Balland (LIPHY)

Co-hosted by K.U. Leuven, Belgium and Joseph Fourier University
Grenoble, France fr 
2011 - 2012 Sales Representative and Technical Support
Microinter C.A.
Caracas, Venezuela ve 
07/2010 - 12/2010 Internship, Bachelors thesis
Nano Dispersions Technology, Inc. Clayton
Republic of Panama pa 
2005 - 2011 Bachelor in Chemical Engineering
Simon Bolivar University
Caracas, Venezuela ve 

Group Publications

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