Deniz Pekin
tr  Visiting Scientist - IECB
Former Group Members

pekin [at] (+33) 55-684-3029

Education & Career

08/2013 - ... Post-Doc
Droplets, Membranes and Interfaces - MPI for Dynamics and Self-Organisation
Goettingen, Germany de 
2010 - 2013 Ph.D. in Molecular Diagnostics
Topic: Quantitative detection of sequence variants in tumor DNA, usingdroplet based microfluidics
Adviser: Dr. Valerie Abecassis-Taly
University of Strasbourg
Strasbourg, France fr 
2009 Master of Science in Molecular and Structural Biology
Topic: Genetical Diagnostics- Developpment of a new strategy based on the model of KRAS oncogene
Adviser: Dr. Valerie Abecassis-Taly
University of Strasbourg
Strasbourg, France fr 
2008 Bachelor of Science in Biochenistry and Molecular Biology
University of Strasbourg
Strasbourg, France fr 

PhD Thesis

Development of Novel Droplet-based Microfluidic Strategies for the Molecular Diagnosis of Cancer
D. Pekin
University of Strasbourg, Ecole Doctorale de Sciences Chimiques, 2013

Group Publications

Other Publications


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